Guest Podcasts

Bounce Back Stronger
Sharon joins Donna Ferris on the Bounce Back Stronger Podcast to about challenging emotions and resilience.

Letters from Love with Elizabeth Gilbert
Sharon joins Elizabeth Gilbert for her Letters From Love substack to celebrate the one year anniversary of the LFL project.

How God Works
Sharon returns to the How God Works Podcast to talk with David DeSteno along with fellow guest Daniel Pink.

Finding Mastery
Sharon returns to the Finding Mastery Podcast to talk with Michael Gervais about the power of lovingkindness.

Point of Relation with Thomas Hübl
Sharon sits down with Thomas Hübl for his Point of Relation Podcast.

Candlelight Chat with Susan Cain
Sharon joins Susan Cain for a Candlelight Chat as part of The Quiet Life substack community.

Untangle Podcast
Sharon returns to the Untangle Podcast to celebrate — and explore — the many ways we look at LOVE.

Ten Percent Happier Ep 659
Sharon returns to the Ten Percent Happier Podcast with Dan Harris to talk about her new book, Finding Your Way.

Mayim Bialik’s Breakdown
Mayim Bialik interviews Sharon for her podcast, Mayim Bialik’s Breakdown Podcast.

Life of Greatness
Joining Sarah Grynberg for a second time is world-renowned Buddhist teacher and meditation pioneer Sharon Salzberg on the Life of Greatness podcast.

Mindrolling Ep 506
Learning how to love our enemies and surpass hatred, Sharon Salzberg, Robert Thurman, and Raghu Markus talk on the Mindrolling podcast.

Walk The Talk
Waylon talks with Sharon Salzberg about her new book, Real Life, her aspirations for our world, and their mutual passion for voting and being an active, caring citizen on the Walk the Talk Podcast.

Meditative Story
Sharon shares her personal story about how she found kindness as her compass on the Meditative Story Podcast from Wait What.

Tricycle Life As It Is
In today’s episode of Life As It Is, Tricycle’s editor-in-chief, James Shaheen, sits down with Salzberg to talk about what it means to live a real life, and how we can break free of our habitual patterns.

The Psychology Podcast
Sharon joins the Psychology Podcast, hosted by Scott Barry Kaufman. Scott speaks with Sharon about her new book, Real Life.

Spiritually Sassy Show
Sharon joins Sah D’Simone on the Spiritually Sassy Show to discuss her new book, the freedom in discerning between reality and truth, and how we can find joy in even our darkest moments.

Ten Percent Happier Ep 582
Sharon returns to the Ten Percent Happier Podcast with Dan Harris to talk about her new book, Real Life in episode #582.

Duncan Trussell Family Hour Ep 554
Sharon Salzberg, New York Times best-selling author and teacher of Buddhist meditation practices, returns to the Duncan Trussell Family Hour, episode 554.

Mindrolling Ep 482
Moving out of constriction and into connection with reality, Sharon Salzberg reunites with Raghu to talk about her new book, Real Life on the Mindrolling Podcast.

NPR’s Ask Me Another
Sharon joins NPR’s Ask Me Another for an amusement park for your brain with Chelsea Handler.